GL51 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GL51 8 is a postcode sector in Cheltenham, UK. Below is a complete list of GL51 8 Postcodes (Active). GL51 8 postcode sector comprises of 172 active postcodes. GL51 8 sector has a population of 6104, and it has 2498 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GL51 8 postcode sector

GL51 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6104
Addresses / Property Count 2498
Active Postcodes 172
Nearby Postcode Districts 26
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of GL51 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 172 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GL51 8AA 51.89859000 -2.10143900 45 111 393117 222232
GL51 8AB 51.89882400 -2.10125100 29 69 393130 222258
GL51 8AD 51.90328500 -2.09873200 22 34 393304 222754
GL51 8AE 51.89903600 -2.10290200 7 13 393016 222282
GL51 8AF 51.90043300 -2.10189400 31 89 393086 222437
GL51 8AG 51.90067600 -2.10076100 42 105 393164 222464
GL51 8AH 51.90281700 -2.09921000 8 19 393271 222702
GL51 8AJ 51.90229400 -2.09988600 6 17 393224 222644
GL51 8AL 51.90117000 -2.10177900 26 58 393094 222519
GL51 8AN 51.90199800 -2.10032800 6 14 393194 222611
GL51 8AP 51.90285300 -2.09987900 17 53 393225 222706
GL51 8AQ 51.90237700 -2.09889000 15 44 393293 222653
GL51 8AR 51.90314800 -2.10020800 2 6 393202 222739
GL51 8AS 51.90395100 -2.09882000 14 18 393298 222828
GL51 8AT 51.90415700 -2.09930100 2 6 393265 222851
GL51 8AU 51.90350000 -2.09992400 16 29 393222 222778
GL51 8AW 51.90172700 -2.10066900 6 16 393170 222581
GL51 8AX 51.90456100 -2.10034800 18 61 393193 222896
GL51 8AY 51.90426400 -2.10072500 17 50 393167 222863
GL51 8AZ 51.90458600 -2.10203400 8 32 393077 222899
GL51 8BA 51.90356900 -2.10348500 10 36 392977 222786
GL51 8BB 51.90379500 -2.10262800 8 20 393036 222811
GL51 8BD 51.90410000 -2.10235300 5 10 393055 222845
GL51 8BE 51.90286800 -2.10265500 23 58 393034 222708
GL51 8BG 51.90310200 -2.10232200 12 25 393057 222734
GL51 8BH 51.90321800 -2.10155900 2 9 393109 222747
GL51 8BJ 51.90355300 -2.10075300 12 25 393165 222784
GL51 8BL 51.90397600 -2.10105900 17 39 393144 222831
GL51 8BN 51.90404600 -2.10161900 12 23 393105 222839
GL51 8BP 51.90285000 -2.10089000 4 9 393155 222706
GL51 8BQ 51.90332600 -2.10179200 6 14 393093 222759
GL51 8BS 51.90236600 -2.10134600 12 43 393124 222652
GL51 8BT 51.90089900 -2.10266500 33 76 393033 222489
GL51 8BU 51.89965500 -2.10447300 6 11 392908 222351
GL51 8BW 51.90314000 -2.10065000 6 17 393172 222738
GL51 8BX 51.89947700 -2.10475500 4 5 392889 222331
GL51 8BY 51.90076400 -2.10365300 29 81 392965 222474
GL51 8BZ 51.90233700 -2.10351200 10 27 392975 222649
GL51 8DA 51.90252600 -2.10307600 20 56 393005 222670
GL51 8DB 51.90293900 -2.10464700 3 10 392897 222716
GL51 8DD 51.90165100 -2.10484100 20 53 392883 222573
GL51 8DE 51.90100600 -2.10393000 23 60 392946 222501
GL51 8DF 51.90189400 -2.10601000 30 84 392803 222600
GL51 8DG 51.90190400 -2.10529800 26 72 392852 222601
GL51 8DH 51.90080600 -2.10618200 6 16 392791 222479
GL51 8DJ 51.90018700 -2.10506200 4 5 392868 222410
GL51 8DL 51.90628200 -2.10480800 23 52 392886 223088
GL51 8DN 51.90606800 -2.10369500 7 19 392963 223064
GL51 8DP 51.90540200 -2.10433300 10 34 392919 222990
GL51 8DQ 51.90038400 -2.10616700 20 54 392792 222432
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